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    All provisions of this MyWeb.Net Internet Service Agreement apply to all Individual and Business accounts. MyWeb.Net, Inc. is hereafter referred to as "MyWeb.Net" in the remainder of this Agreement.

    The benefits of, or rights conferred, by this agreement are non-transferable. Use of MyWeb.Net accounts is expressly limited to the individual or persons duly authorized by the business whose name appears on the account. This person or persons is/are referred to as "User" in the remainder of this Agreement.

    MyWeb.Net makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the services it is providing. MyWeb.Net also disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. MyWeb.Net will not be responsible for damages or losses suffered due to service interruptions.

    User shall use information obtained through the Internet at User's own risk and User indemnifies and holds harmless MyWeb.Net, MyWeb.Net customers, MyWeb.Net employees and MyWeb.Net business relationships from any claims resulting from the use of information obtained through the Internet.

    User is responsible for all use of User's account(s) and User indemnifies and holds harmless MyWeb.Net, MyWeb.Net customers, MyWeb.Net employees and MyWeb.Net business relationships from any claims resulting from User's use of MyWeb.Net services for unlawful purposes or purposes which damages User or another party.

    MyWeb.Net exercises no control over the content of information transferred over the Internet and User indemnifies and holds harmless MyWeb.Net, MyWeb.Net users, MyWeb.Net employees and MyWeb.Net business relationships from any content of information transferred over the Internet.

    User is responsible for all use of User's account(s) and User holds harmless MyWeb.Net, MyWeb.Net users, MyWeb.Net employees and MyWeb.Net business relationships from any claims resulting from User's inability to use MyWeb.Net services.

    MyWeb.Net reserves the right to change without notice MyWeb.Net services not explicitly covered under this agreement, including, but not limited to, access procedures, menu structures, commands, documentation, MyWeb.Net hardware, MyWeb.Net software and services offered.

    MyWeb.Net is not responsible for the protection or privacy of any information held by User or transferred through the Internet by User.

    User is responsible for the confidentiality of User's password. MyWeb.Net will cancel access and change access to User's account(s) immediately upon notification by User that User's password has been compromised.

    MyWeb.Net bills accounts in monthly cycles. Charges are due when billed by MyWeb.Net and will include the fee for the next cycle (month) and fee due for excess time used the previous cycle. There will be a 14 day grace period prior to the addition of a $5 late payment charge. If payment is not received by the next billing (31 days later), service will be suspended until such time as all outstanding invoices are paid.

    MyWeb.Net will invoice all User accounts via e-mail unless User requests invoicing via U.S. Postal Service.

    MyWeb.Net reserves the right to change prices with 30 days advance notice.

    MyWeb.Net reserves the right to delete User's personal files upon termination of this agreement.

    MyWeb.Net reserves the right to suspend or cancel User's access to the service upon any breach of this agreement by User, including, but not limited to, failure to pay for services, allowing the use of User's account by other persons, mass sending of unsolicited e-mail, mass posting to news groups or mailing lists (a.k.a. spamming), or performing acts harmful to MyWeb.Net, MyWeb.Net users, MyWeb.Net employees, MyWeb.Net business relationships or any other user of the Internet.

    MyWeb.Net reserves the right to cancel access to service for User's account(s) upon an indication of credit problems including, but not limited to, delinquent payments, rejection of credit card authorization or charges, disputed credit card charges and returned checks.

    MyWeb.Net reserves the right to cancel access to service for User's account(s) if User's consumption of MyWeb.Net's resources exceed the terms of this agreement or reasonable and customary use of the service.

    MyWeb.Net reserves the right to modify this agreement upon notifying User. Posting to public forum via web services is deemed sufficient notification. Use of MyWeb.Net services after such notice shall constitute Users acceptance of the modification of this agreement.

    Non-Enforcement of this agreement does not constitute consent and MyWeb.Net reserves the right to enforce this agreement at its sole discretion.

    This agreement and the legal relationship between MyWeb.Net and User shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.

    Use of MyWeb.Net services constitutes acceptance of this agreement.

    This agreement supersedes all previous representations, understandings or agreements and shall prevail notwithstanding any variance with any other agreement between MyWeb.Net and User. It shall also include agreements and policies that we have established with other providers and networks with which we do business.

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